Master - Evaluarea Riscului, Siguranţei şi Integrităţii Echipamentelor sub Presiune
Urmare a Protocolului de Colaborare nr. 20124 / 25.10.2021, semnat între Asociația Română Pentru Echipamente Sub Presiune (ARPE), fondată la Bucureşti în ianuarie 2018 (cu principal membru fondator – Walter Tosto Wtb) și Universitatea Politehnica din București, prin intermediul Departamentului Echipamente pentru Procese Industriale din Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanică și Mecatronică, aducem la cunoștință tuturor celor interesați că departamentul organizează în anul universitar 2022 – 2023 programul de master “Evaluarea Riscului, Siguranţei şi Integrităţii Echipamentelor sub Presiune” (cu durata de 2 ani / 4 semestre – 120 cst) – acreditat ARACIS și cu locuri finanţate de la buget, în regim hibrid (online și cu prezență fizică).
Menționăm că la acest program de master se pot înscrie absolvenți de învățământ superior tehnic de lungă durată (4 sau 5 ani – licență) în perioada 04.04 – 09.05.2022 (sesiunea admitere anticipată), 01.07 – 11.07.2022 (sesiunea Iulie) și 05.09 – 15.09.2022 (sesiunea Septembrie), iar interviul va avea loc în data de 11.05.2022 (sesiunea admitere anticipată), 13.07.2022 (sesiunea Iulie) și 19.09.2022 (sesiunea Septembrie). Pentru înscrierea la concursul de admitere în învățământul universitar de masterat, candidații depun online sau trimit prin poștă dosarul de înscriere.
Având în vedere obiectivele acestui program de studii de masterat, precum și competențele obținute după absolvire (expertizarea echipamentelor sub presiune; evaluarea deteriorării şi calculul duratei de viaţă a structurilor mecanice; diagnosticarea şi reabilitarea structurilor mecanice; asigurarea şi monitorizarea mentenanţei maşinilor, aparatelor şi instalaţiilor industriale; evaluarea deteriorării mediului, ca urmare a poluării; cunoaşterea prevederilor legislaţiei tehnice şi a standardelor în vigoare din industriile de proces etc.), se asigură cursanților o pregătire de înalt nivel tehnic şi ştiinţific. Programele sunt susţinute de cadre didactice universitare de renume, specialişti de înaltă valoare academică.
Pentru informații suplimentare, persoanele interesate pot accesa site-ul Departamentului Echipamente pentru Procese Industriale ( sau se pot adresa direct la secretariatul departamentului, telefon: 021.4029193, secretar ing. Iolanda Panait – telefon: 0730094996 –și Ion DURBACĂ – telefon: 0723277389.
Curs de sudură 2021
Selecția pentru ediția 2021 a cursului de sudură este deschisa!
Cursul de sudură este un curs de formare, organizat în totalitate de Walter Tosto WTB, și are ca scop angajarea a 20 de tineri. Din 2015, 223 de participanți s-au alăturat personalului nostru.
Participanții vor dobândi abilități teoretice și practice pe diferite tipuri de sudură (SAW, placare cu bandă, TIG, sudare cu fascicul de electroni, GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, ESW).
Walter Tosto WTB, București
6 luni + 6 luni. Ulterior, va fi semnat un contract de muncă de 2 ani.
Tineri cu vârsta cuprinsă între 16 și 24 de ani
Absolventi de școală profesională
Bani de buzunar, masa și cazare, abonament lunar la metrou, sală de sport și program de agrement.
Trimiteți CV-ul dvs. prin e-mail la
Numere de contact: +40 | +40 737.211.532
The selections for the 2021 edition of the welding course are open!
The training course, entirely organized by Walter Tosto WTB, is aimed at hiring 20 young people. Since 2015, 223 participants have joined our staff.
Attendees will acquire theoretical and practical skills on different types of welding (SAW, Strip cladding, TIG, Electron beam welding, Weld overlay, GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, ESW)
Walter Tosto WTB, Bucharest
6 months + 6 months. Subsequently, a 2-year employment contract will be stipulated.
Age between 16 and 24
Graduation in a professional school.
Pocket money, free board and lodging, free subway passes, gym and leisure programs.
Send your CV by e-mail to
Contact numbers: +40 | +40 737.211.532
Credit Agricole visits Walter Tosto WTB
Credit Agricole management, Elena Bocan – Deputy General Manager – and Roxana Savin – Head of Large Corporate Department – visited the plant of Walter Tosto WTB in Bucharest yesterday. “<em>It was a very positive interchange and I am glad to have met two excellent professionals</em>” commented Simona Manicea, having been involved in a meeting where topics have been discussed from the local market to the international economy at the time of Covid-19.
Luca Pierfelice commented: “<em>We would be honoured to have the opportunity to work with a renowned international bank as Credit Agricole which has recently issued big credit lines also in favour of other companies that belong to our Group </em>”.
Credit Agricole’s management concluded the visit declaring that the entire commercial team of the Bank will be involved in order to include Walter Tosto WTB srl as one of its most valuable partners. As part of a Group that continues to invest in Romania, the company is indeed contributing to the industrial development of the country with its high technology products and its important customer portfolio.
Walter Tosto WTB received a bronze medal for sustainability
We are glad to announce that Walter Tosto WTB has been awarded a bronze medal from EcoVadis in recognition of the Corporate Social Responsibility achievement.
A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment is an evaluation of how well a company has integrated the principles practices (i.e. environment, social, ethics, supply chain) of CSR into their business. The assessment result enables the company to understand how it is positioned among all the other companies.
We are proud for having scored a very good result and our company was placed among the top 50 percent of enterprises assessed by EcoVadis for sustainability.
“This recognition is a consequence of the precise preventive safety measures and environmental policies implemented by all the companies of the Tosto Group in order to minimize injuries and impacts on the environment” declared Luca Tosto, owner of the Tosto Group. He also added: “This important achievement was made possible thanks to the full commitment of all our people respecting the policies at all organizational levels”.
Visit to the Technological High School of Moinesti
Ph.D. Mihail Cercel, Recruitment and Training Manager and Mrs. Mihaela Muntean, H.R. Manager of Walter Tosto WTB, visited the Technological High School of Moinesti, North Romania, in order to present the company to the final year students.
Over 1000 pupils are attending the school, which includes professional specializations such as carpentry, welding, electronics, mechanics and automation.
Walter Tosto WTB and Technological School started a collaboration last year and, after few months from the agreement, 9 newly graduated were employed in the company.
The principal of the school and the students were very interested in establishing a future with Walter Tosto WTB and they are planning a visit to the facility in Bucharest next springtime.
Walter Tosto WTB received the National Top Company Award 2019
We are honoured to announce that we accomplished the first prize in the Industry category at the 26th edition of the National Top Companies.
The event, aiming to award prizes to the most performing Romanian companies, has been organized for over 25 years by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
The Gala event took place at the Romexpo Exhibition Centre on November 7, 2019. The President and the Prime Minister of Romania participated at the ceremony together with the President of the Chamber of Commerce and the representatives of the most performing Romanian companies.
Walter Tosto WTB on its way to China
Last week we have finally completed the qualification process for the SELO Certification. This manufacturing license, issued by the Special Equipment Licensing Office (SELO), is required to export Pressure Vessels and other special equipment to China.
The audit lasted one week and concluded with a positive outcome. The auditors expressed their willingness to recommend Walter Tosto WTB for the issue of the final certification related to the construction of A1 Ievel items: “Large-Scale High Pressure Vessels”.
Gianluca Sprecacenere, Quality Manager of Walter Tosto WTB, showed his satisfaction after the audit and thanked all the people involved in this demanding phase of the qualification process.
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank to visit Walter Tosto WTB
Today we were glad to host Intesa Sanpaolo Bank’s delegates for a tour in our workshop in Bucharest.
Alessandro Grillo, Head of Multinational Client Department and Teodora Chirita, Relationship Manager, congratulated with Walter Tosto WTB staff for the company’s innovative approach, for the continuous investments on human resources and its advanced fabrication technologies.
“I could never have imagined such an excellent organization if I had not seen it” said the Bank Manager to Luca Pierfelice – Walter Tosto CFO – and his collaborators. “The Intesa Sanpaolo Group is a trusted banking partner for our company, and this collaboration represents a concrete example of a partnership between bank and real economy” declared Luca Pierfelice.