Credit Agricole management, Elena Bocan – Deputy General Manager – and Roxana Savin – Head of Large Corporate Department – visited the plant of Walter Tosto WTB in Bucharest yesterday. “<em>It was a very positive interchange and I am glad to have met two excellent professionals</em>” commented Simona Manicea, having been involved in a meeting where topics have been discussed from the local market to the international economy at the time of Covid-19.

Luca Pierfelice commented: “<em>We would be honoured to have the opportunity to work with a renowned international bank as Credit Agricole which has recently issued big credit lines also in favour of other companies that belong to our Group </em>”.

Credit Agricole’s management concluded the visit declaring that the entire commercial team of the Bank will be involved in order to include Walter Tosto WTB srl as one of its most valuable partners. As part of a Group that continues to invest in Romania, the company is indeed contributing to the industrial development of the country with its high technology products and its important customer portfolio.