People represent the most important value to our company and we are proud to collaborate with an extraordinary team. It is our great opportunity to present our people and to share their experience in Walter Tosto. Today, we are happy to introduce you Valentina Stefanescu, who has been working as Designer in Waler Tosto WTB for 21 years.

What does it mean to work as a design engineer at Walter Tosto WTB?

First of all, I like what I do and for me it is a pleasure to come to work here.
This year I retired but I have decided to continue to practice my job, even if sometimes it is a stressful job. I have always believed that challenges always grow, both you and the entire team.

How would you describe the evolution of the design department and the Walter Tosto company since you have been employed here?

Here, we have created over the years a design school, all the young people who came into the company had someone and something to learn from. It is a nursery for the training of very good people.
Since I joined Walter Tosto, the company has grown a lot both in terms of volume and complexity.

What was the most soulful project you achieved?

All the projects were like children that I raised with my colleagues, it is very difficult for me to choose one. Each new project is a challenge and has something special.

What is the most beautiful part of the job?

It’s always a great satisfaction when a product is finished and I see that it is in a refinery and it is working.