On Tuesday, February 21, the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience organized the conference “Disinformation and Propaganda – risk factors in international economic relations”, hosted by the “Dunarea de Jos” University in Galati, as part of the European-funded project “Strategic planning for strengthening resilience to face disinformation and hybrid threats”.

The debates addressed not only the negative effects of the spread of erroneous or tendentious information, which can cause major instabilities in the markets, but also the possible solutions for resolving this phenomenon. Among the good practices identified were the creation of mechanisms for tracking the evolution of strategic themes in the context of the digital transition, improving communication with target audiences and intensifying efforts to educate the users about the danger of disinformation.

Mr. Lucian Rusu, Deputy General Manager of Walter Tosto WTB was glad to bring his experience of more than 30 years in the industry, as a General Director and based on his permanent need of being connected with the State institutions, media, financial institutions and the private sector key players.